
How To Use A Standing Desk Or Smart Desk The Right Way

The sit-stand desk is a hybrid desk that you can use while sitting and standing. To get the most benefit out of it, the desk needs customizations to fit your workspace and body. Using your desk the right way, you need to take a look at things from the outside. This is because all of our bodies are very different from each other and require different ergonomics. So, the right height for your standing desk will involve different measurements from that of someone else’s desk. They’re also known as smart desk because they come with control for easier adjustments.

Using your desk the right way

We have listed some instructions on using your body’s natural posture and proportions to determine how to adjust your workstation. Once you have set up the desk, you can read our tips on using the desk correctly.


The table should be adjusted so that the table reaches your elbow’s height when sitting and standing. When typing or moving the mouse, your arms must be at a relaxed 90-degree angle. This gives your arms a more fluid movement without straining your wrist. Then keep your neck at a neutral position and lift the standing desk to align with forearms.

Before you begin adjusting the desk, unplug all the cables, wires, chargers, and USB ports and remove loose items from the desk’s top surface. Adjust the stands that are normally found under the keyboard, either up or down, based on how comfortable your wrists are.


Change the computer screen position so that it is just below your eye level to reduce eye strain. Place the monitor in front of you and then the second screen and the mouse next to it. The monitor should sit at an arm’s length away from where you stand.

Once the peripherals are adjusted, keep shoulder relaxed, neck straight, and knees slightly bent to prevent joints lock. Always keep your spine in a neutral position so that all adjoining muscles support the entire body well. You could try alternation between standing and sitting. If you’re using a standing desk for the first time, we recommend standing for about an hour each day.

Standing desk accessories

There are ergonomic accessories that can be used with a smart desk. These accessories could come in handy when the desk has a limited height or a fixed height that hamper how you interact with the desk. For example, you could get adjustable monitor arms or keyboard platforms that can be attached to the desk. Some standing desk heights might be off by about an inch or so.

As a result, the laptop or PC might not align right, causing neck and hand strain. For this, you could try a laptop stand that raises the screen by a few inches and tilts it at an angle. As for a PC monitor, make sure that your head faces forward and not downward. Adjust the screen till your head is in the right position, or else you could get a stand to raise it.

Keep changing your work position.

Keep a chair nearby so that you can sit down as soon as your feet get tired. Standing all the time while working could result in back or leg pain. Wear flat shoes so that you don’t increase the pressure or pain on your feet. Try to avoid heels or shoes that don’t have any interior padding.

You could even use an anti-fatigue mat to stand next to your standing desk to give your feet extra cushion and movement. The best part about using a smart desk is that you get to move around a lot as you work. Regular stretching can reduce the stiffness and fatigue that you feel over time. You can try alternating the feet that hold your entire weight to keep yourself alert and increase circulation.

It would be best to have the proper support under your feet to reduce the strain on your back as you stand. Keep your knees aligned with your hips, either by moving your weight from one foot to the other. Stand straight while comfortably and relaxed.

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